Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Salvador DALI says that Drawing is 5% inspiration and 95 % of ( hard ) work.
Leonardo da VINCI said that Art, painting, drawing are COSA MENTALE....

Thus, isn't drawing as many activities, calling " PARADOXES " to be understood.....

As the Arrow by Zénon d' Elée ; Drawing is
1-) thought by the brain
2-) seen by the eyes
3-) performed by the hands....

Lots of links between all abilities of these " organs " to allow collaborating together
also with the generality of the personnality...

My drawing to express this PARADOX OF DRAWING would be :

1 -) a child, drawing under a supple willow tree
2 -) in the rising sun, butteflies around....
3 -) a lamb near him jumping on the grass, after grass hopers.....

Matters of IQ ? of knowledge ?? of birth gifts ???

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