Friday, January 11, 2008



The ethnographic theory of Pr. Claude Levi-Strauss, developped through observation of humans living in Nature ; in Brazil ; and their relationship to langages, health and visuality is an interesting basis to start. One view that some tribes have a kind of design - writings other do'nt. Some can not even imagine how to start one ; some others, as they watch the ethnograph write catch the idea of doing it
also and write whatever comes in the mind of the chief...

Nature and Environment infer together in order to enhance life abilities and gifts.
This humble speech is inspired by the ressources of humanist thinkers’views as they provide interesting interdisciplinary parallels for humankind understanding.

For instance, Pr. Norbert Wiener ‘s cybernetics : design systems as ensemble of interactive elements. The exchanges obtained are communications. This leads to a great stability. For instance, the Mendeleiev board of elements may be seen also a " communications system between particles "...

Langage is build like dynamic systems. Drawing too, often.


Among ancient langages, the Sumer writing is complex since abstract ; as also chinese.

On the contrary, kind of wisdom : the Hieroglyphs call for time & space & the environment all the way...The first tool is a falcon
feather who, as the light allows to draw shadows and clear spaces organising them into shapes that are closed, well surrounded.

The " writer "( drawing artist ) as to take time to observe things...
This position is also the position of scientists ; as described, for instance by pr. Werner Heisenberg, Nobel prize of physics...

And the second step is reproduce what has been observed
but in a very specific way and manner...Rules have to be discovered...


Not like the drawing of Michel Ange for instance, very sculpted, the Hieroglyph designs the shape, the surrounding of " objects "...
The black line cuts the space into several pieces but the inside and / outside do not communicate.

As you learn drawing Hieroglyphs, for instance in Sir Alan Gardiner 's wonderful " Egyptian Grammar, Griffith Institute, Oxford ; you quickly view that lines and dots have to appear, following a specific order...
This order requires to be respected thus you remind better the signs...
And thought they look very static, this " speed " of appearing provides a kind of inner movement....

Another marvel is that you may " draw "( read /write ) Hieroglyphs from left to right, or the contrary and also from top to bottom or the contrary.....This is very much like what genius of mathematics Cantor described as mathematics : the essence of freedom..

French linguist Monsieur Frédéric de Saussure has explained that langage bears several functions :

- the transmission of emotions
- the poetical expression
- the cognition mean
- the information tool
- the interrelations mean ; very close to the symbolic mean

The Hieroglyphs are a method of design ; but also a real langage as they bear also those functions.

But more, as you learn Hieroglyph you discover that secrete ( hermetic ) senses appear to your mind
when designing.

For instance, some very long word may hide scientific knowledge. If you know this knowledge, you easily recognize
it"s mental shape, or mental design inside the word expressed through Hieroglyphs.....

This is how, Hieroglyph writing, exactly as some part of mathematics ; of algebra are METALANGAGES.
This means they are several level of langages one over the other...
And the end what is produced is the expression of universal deep thoughts....


As you design Hieroglyphs, your spirit is used to the possible meanings of their combinations ( but as music or numbers, they
are infinite).

Thus you discover anew the ancient method of the seven levels of language understanding
inserted in the ancient semitic papyrus.


Hieroglyphs, as you get more and more used to them seem to start a new function...

As you draw them, more and more easily but also more and more carefully in details,
your brain receive kind of sentences as
take care of proportions
the strength comes with measure
and so on....

This is the most incredible experience.... As if a drawing you are designing( following exact rules taught
in very antique times ; let ' s say almost 3 500 years before our days )
remains the nest of a certain philosophy of life that was like carved in it's process...

In the Hieroglyphs, each sign become then a kind of " living " to communicate something else
at an upper level, each time you try hard to elevate yourself still more in dignity and nobleness through
unceasing efforts to do well... To represent things much as your heart, your eyes
and your hands can achieve....

This drawing experiment was done by me, humbly, years 1995 to 1997. Everyday 5 AM, to be on time with the sunrise...
In the beautiful country of Languedoc Roussillon, France.
Egyptian Grammar, Sir Alan GARDINER, Griffith Institute, Oxford and with helps of researchers of the CNRS and Pr. Jean LECLANT, Secrétaire Perpétuel de ' Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France, Paris.

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